The Democratic Programme and the First Dáil
By Brendan Halligan
In a broad-reaching study of this, one of most fascinating developments in the early history of the Irish nation, Brendan Halligan explores the build up to the first Dáil’s drafting and adopting of their crucial “Democratic Programme” on 21 January 1919.
To download a PDF: Democratic-Programme-First-Dáil
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Building Democracy: The Johnson Years
By Brendan Halligan
Born in Liverpool, Tom Johnson moved to Ireland in the 1890s and became one of the most important Labour and Trade Union activists in the country.
To download a PDF: Building-Democracy-The-Johnson-Years
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Snapshots: Five Days in Labour Party History
By Brendan Halligan
In 1978, The Irish Times published a series of essays by Brendan Halligan about Irish Labour Party History, from Labour’s landmark decision to stand aside and permit Sinn Féin to contest the 1918 General Election to the disappointing results of the much anticipated 1970 elections.
To download a PDF: Five-Days-In-Labour-History
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Altiero Spinelli: A tribute
By Brendan Halligan
One of the founding fathers of the European Union, Altiero Spinelli was a co-author of the historic Ventotene Manifesto, an influential figure in the European federalist movement and later a member of the European Commission, and MEP. This paper explores the man, his personal story and his success as a European innovator and facilitator.
To download a PDF: Altiero-Spinelli-Tribute
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Ireland and the EEC – 1968
By Brendan Halligan
This document, from the archives, is an address given by Brendan Halligan to the Dublin Institute of Adult Education in 1968, five years before Ireland finally joined the EEC. Noting that the move into Europe was to be a political move, as opposed to an economic one, Brendan explores the implications of this, and the prospects for the coming years in Europe.
To download a PDF: Ireland-and-The-EEC
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The Truth Of The Matter
By Brendan Halligan
Another document from the archives: this time on a crucial issue that caused passionate controversy in Ireland at the time. The Truth of The Matter is Brendan Halligan’s speech in Seanad Éireann during the Second Stage debate on the Criminal Law Jurisdiction Bill of 1975.
To download a PDF: Truth-Of-The-Matter
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The Mega Crisis
By Brendan HalliganWritten on 12 October, 2010 – one month before the EU and IMF came to Dublin for bailout talks, Brendan Halligan examines the nature of the Irish monetary crisis, and makes some cogent observations on the exact nature of the Irish “Mega Crisis”.
To download a PDF: The Mega-Crisis
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