
Brendan Halligan with John Kenneth Galbraith

Brendan Halligan with John Kenneth Galbraith

An economist by training and experience, Brendan Halligan graduated with a Masters Degree in Economics from University College Dublin in 1964.

He lectured in Economics at Dublin Institute of Technology from 1980 to 1985, and was director of his own company, “Consultants in Public Affairs” (CIPA) from 1985 to 2014.

Brendan has published a number of papers through the years, and  check back for news of a series of books by Brendan. A selection of papers are available on the Publications page of this website, and please click on the images below for PDF versions:


Can We Achieve Full Employment?


Can We Achieve

Proposal on Planning Development and Reform

Planning Development and Reform

The Mega Crisis

The Mega Crisis


